The 1st AFROHUN International One Health Conference was held in September 2013 in Addis Ababa, the 2nd in November 2015, and the 3rd in July 2019. These were, respectively, attended by 287, 236, and 310 delegates from all over Africa, Asia, America, and Europe. Participants included practitioners from government and inter-governmental bodies, academia (students and faculty), Civil Society Organizations, researchers, bilateral agencies, and private sector players.  Read More

Professor Albert Osterhaus

Professor Albert Osterhaus

Keynote Speaker

Professor Osterhaus has been Head of the Department of Viroscience at Erasmus MC Rotterdam until 2014, is currently Director of the Center of Infection Medicine and Zoonosis Research and Guest-Professor at the University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover. He has a long track record as a scientific researcher and Principal Investigator of numerous major scientific projects. At Erasmus MC, Professor Osterhaus has run a diagnostic virology lab with more than 40 staff and a research virology lab with over 150 personnel. Read More

Marilyn Crane

Marilyn Crane is Senior International Higher Education Advisor at USAID in the Bureau for Global Health, Emerging Threats Division (ETD) and serves as the division’s workforce lead.. Read Bio

Mr. Bert Ubamadu

Bert Ubamadu arrived in Nairobi on May 31, 2021, as the Deputy Mission Director for USAID/Kenya and East Africa. Previously, Bert served as a Senior Resident Legal Officer for USAID/Ethiopia and covered South Sudan, Djibouti, and the USAID/Africa Union Mission from August 9, 2019 to May 31, 2021.. Read Bio

Prof. John Demesi Mande

I warmly welcome you to the AFROHUN 4th International One Health Conference in Nairobi Kenya. With a record number of participants expected for this conference, we are delighted to receive all of you and provide the necessary space for networking, collaborative learning, strategizing, and charting a way forward for critical Global Health Security in Africa. Read Message

Registration is closed 

The 4th AFROHUN International One Health Conference is expected to attract about 150 delegates of different categories. The conference has become a respected platform where development and innovations in One Health are shared across a wide range of actors.  

The 4th AFROHUN International One Health Conference has been designed to include spaces where discussions on improvements are needed in One Health practice by training institutions and practitioners, learning from the ever-increasing complex challenges on the African continent and global stage


Dr. Dennis Carroll

Topic: One Health workforce development initiatives and the growing threats of climate change and AMR: matching training programs to needs, opportunities and effective approaches.  Read Bio

Dr. Sarisha Ramanand

Topic: Climate Change and its implications to building a multi-disciplinary workforce: key issues for the African region. Read Bio


Dr. Yewande Alimi

Dr. Yewande Alimi is an esteemed professional, holding a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine from the University of Ibadan, Nigeria, and a Master of Public Health from the University of Nottingham, United KingdomRead Bio

Dr. Yimesgen Tarekegn

Topic: Student One Health champions as Change Agents for Climate Change and AMR: My Experience. Read Bio


Climate Change and One Health

One Health Workforce Development

Climate Change and AMR

One Health University Networks setting the agenda  in Climate Change, Workforce Development, and AMR

Abstract submissions


How has climate change

impacted your community?

Student Photo Competition


Regional One Health university networks in advancing global health security: developing workforce and fighting antimicrobial resistance in the era of climate change.


Plot 20B Kawlya Kagwa Cl, Kololo

This conference is co-funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and supported by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH.

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